Prayer. First choice or last resort?
It says in Psalm 62:8 - “Trust in Him at all times; you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”
I can remember my early years as a Christian. I didn’t know how to pray. No one sat me down and said, “This is how you pray.” I would watch others in church pray, but thought to myself that I could never pray that eloquent. I was always shy and never liked to speak in public either.
God doesn’t want us to be this way. He wants us to pray to Him. He designed us to have a relationship with Him and that’s what prayer is; Communication with God.
And I’ve said this before, “don’t use God as a vending machine.” In other words, don’t just throw up requests from your to-do lists.
Prayer should always be a first choice as you get up in the morning, and all throughout the day.
God blesses us when we choose Him first, instead of looking to Him as a last resort.