
Have you ever felt like you’re running on empty? Do you feel like you’ve spent all your energy and time to where you have nothing left to go on?

People will drain you, rob you of your time and energy. This doesn’t mean that we don’t help people. It means giving to others, expecting nothing in return. If they keep returning for more, check out their motives. If you’re enabling them to do something that will eventually harm them, then stop. God doesn’t expect us to be enablers.

Just as cars in a drag race continue to run around the track, they eventually have to stop and refuel, change tires, etc. We need to refuel our minds and heart at times. Get into God’s word and let Him speak to you. Let Him renew your mind and refresh your soul. Otherwise, you will eventually breakdown, whether it be physically or mentally.

Look for opportunities to bless others. Seek out the lonely and depressed and give them your time.

Most importantly, take time to breathe in God’s word so that when the race is on, you’ll be ahead of the pack.

Refuel from God today.

Jeremiah 31:25 - “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”

Dianne PetreyComment