Are you so heavenly minded, you're no earthly good?

Some of us get so busy with Church, Sunday School, even small groups, that we’re forgetting our purpose as Christians.

All the above is great. It’s good to be involved in our local Church. God wants community among His children.

We all need balance though. We should be learning more from scripture, and sharing this knowledge, extending our love and service to others.

Are people watching us and seeing Christians just going to Church Sunday mornings, but being busy with everything else during the week? Are we too busy that we don’t have time to visit the elderly neighbor or babysit for the single mom?

My prayer is that others see me as serving others; giving my time to the lonely and sharing how God has changed my life.

Be prepared daily to ask God how you can serve. Be a part of the Great Commission, right in your own backyard.

Mark 1:35 - “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.”

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