Hiking the highest mountain!

I’ve done some hiking out west, where there are plenty of high mountains. But, if you’re a hiker you know that the best views are ones you have to work for; the more intense laborious hiking that most don’t even attempt. But as I’m hiking up these mountains, start seeing the spectacular views, the more I’m reminded that there’s more to life than the world and all its problems.

I also get a more awareness of God when I’m looking out at the vastness. It may sound silly, but I feel closer to Him.

All this to say that I can also get a spiritual closeness in my quiet time in the mornings in my chair. God is everywhere. He’s not just on the mountaintop views or in a child’s smile, He’s nearer than your next breath.

I’m also reminded that God has taken me to the highest of mountaintops in my walk with Him. These have been amazing ‘Holy Spirit’ moments that I’ll never forget. He eventually leads me down the mountain, so that I can share my experiences with others.

Isaiah 54:10 - “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

And whether you’re on a ‘mountaintop’ high right now, or you’re in one of the lowest valleys of your spiritual journey, know that God is near; He’ll never leave you and He will guide you to higher places.

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