God's not finished with me yet.

Romans 8:29 - “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”

God has called us to become someone significant; someone that stands out in a crowd.

All my life, I’ve avoided the spotlight. I’ve been the person that does their job but doesn’t want to be pointed out or praised.

In my early teens, before I knew Christ, I constantly strived to escape life. The reality of it all overwhelmed me at times. I never had the desire to commit suicide because honestly, I was scared of dying.

After I gave my life to Christ, I knew that I was loved; I was important and God could actually use me for His path for the lost.

This journey has been full of blessings and trials. I can see now how God used adversity to take my eyes off of myself and fixed solely on Him.

Just like it takes time to create a piece of art, it takes faith and focus to keep your eyes on God.

He’s still working on me; some days I feel like He’s having to work overtime, but I can rest in the assurance that He’s not finished with me yet.

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