Harvesting takes patience.

Harvesting is the process of gathering a crop from the fields.

I’ve heard that there is a lot that goes into planting and harvesting a crop. But, one of the most important tools needed for harvesting is patience.

A farmer needs to know the right time to plant; the right time to harvest. As the crop is growing, he ensures it gets enough sun and water, in order for it to grow to the maturity level needed.

In my opinion, the farmer has to wear many hats. He needs to know the soil, the strategies of watering, especially when the rain doesn’t come.

So it is with Christians. Whether we are sowing seeds through a ministry, facing an unseen storm, or serving others in need. We need patience.

Ecclesiastes 11:6 - “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.”

It doesn’t matter when and where we sow spiritual seeds. It’s not our job to keep the seeds nourished and growing. That’s God’s job. He’s using each of us (if we allow Him), those who accept the challenge, to sow the seeds and be patient while God grows the crop.

We also have to accept the fact that we many not be around to see the harvest. But, that’s ok. We’ll see them in Heaven some day.

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