The end of the movie.

Have you ever started to watch a movie and someone had already told you what happens in the end? And, even though there is drama and action, you can be at ease, knowing that everything turns out good.

If you haven’t heard, there is an end to this life we’re living on earth. The good news is, you can know the ending, and your choice of who you’re living for now, will determine whether the rest of life after death will be a good or bad ending.

Some think that they don’t need to decide now or that they can just live life doing good deeds staying out of everyone’s way. That’s a scary place to be.

Let God write your script. I promise you, it will be a happy ending. And, along the way, He can add new and exciting seasons and He always promises to be beside you in the scary or unexpected scenes.

God’s ending to this life is never-ending in the life to come.

Revelation 10:7 - “but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

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