Investor or gambler?

God gave us each a body and we are to take care of it as best we can. This means we should eat a balanced diet; get a good amount of sleep and move our joints daily.

By doing this, we are investing in our health. We are telling God, “thank you for my body and I will do my best to keep it healthy.”

On the other hand, if we don’t take care of our body by eating junk food, fast food, not getting enough sleep, staying immobile and not getting some type of physical movement daily, you’re playing ‘Russian roulette’ with your health.

People that gamble with their money, eventually lose it. People that take their money and invest it in something that grows and eventually gives back will reap the rewards eventually.

The same is true with time, love and relationships. The more you invest in these, the more fulfilling your life will be.

But the most important thing you can invest in today, right now, is God. Give Him your time; put Him first in all you do; talk to Him and let Him guide your days. And, lastly, tell others of His goodness and invest your time in God’s great commission.

Don’t gamble with your life. Invest in it. Your eternity depends on it.

Mark 8:36 - “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

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