I’ve talked about shortcuts before; things we do to save time. Shortcuts can be a good thing, sometimes. We can take an alternate route to get home quicker, for example.
Apple even has an automated app called “Shortcuts” now; aimed to make your iPhone experience more productive.
Shortcuts can also be harmful or distressing.
I can remember one time my husband and I were on vacation and driving in northern Maine. Our next destination was to reach Canada the next day. But, as we were looking at the map, we noticed that we would have to do some backtracking to get back on the main road, in order to get to Canada. At the same time, we also noticed a small broken trail that led straight across the state of Maine, a direct path to Canada.
We took it. Big mistake. It was an unmarked road, because it was a ‘logging road.’ Duh. Well, needless to say, it took us twice as long to get to Canada because we couldn’t go more than 5 miles an hour for the next 50 miles.
What looked to be a ‘timesaver’ was not. It would have been faster to backtrack and get on the main highway to Canada.
Many Christians tend to take shortcuts in life, thinking it won’t matter. You can’t take shortcuts to salvation, any more than you can take shortcuts to get to heaven. The road is narrow, and there is only one path to salvation.
Let God be your guide to heaven. Save yourself a world of hurt and pain by choosing Christ today.
Eternity is timeless with Christ
Matthew 7:13 - “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”