Greater awareness of God.

It’s only been over the last ten years that I’ve felt a greater awareness of God, than anytime in my Christian walk. Even though I strayed from God in my early adult years, He never left me.

This awareness of Him may be hard to understand, for those who don’t currently have a relationship with God. I was a Christian for 25 years before I full understood God. The peace in knowing that whatever happens today, God knows about it, and He’s there to help me through, is worth risking everything to Him.

This awareness also comes from my deepened relationship with Him. Reading His Word (Bible) and asking Him for understanding and revelation brings my daily focus on my Creator.

When you read the Bible and see His words applying to the exact situation you’re going through, you know, God is in the midst.

I’ve been hiking since 2008 and it took me a while to realize that in order to keep up the pace of my husband, and have the energy to reach the mountaintop, I must strengthen my muscles and increase my cardio, thus increasing my stamina.

The same rules apply to Christians. In order to have a close relationship with God, you have to read His Word, increase your alone time with Him, and talk to Him as if He were sitting right beside you.

I guarantee if you do these things, God’s presence will be as close as your next breath.

Psalms 26:11-12 - “I’ve done it most of my adult life. I’ve let my circumstances dictate my mood. Have a bad day at work, and go home angry and upset. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, is the closer I am to God, the more at peace I am when things happen unexpectedly. “

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