The simple life.
I love reminiscing my younger years. I was fortunate to grow up in a loving family, in the 60’s.
Life was simple, safe and fun. I lived in a small town in West Virginia, where you could walk uptown, most anytime of day and not be scared. Everyone knew you, so if you did do anything mischievous, your parents probably knew it before you returned home.
As a kid, me and my nieces would pass the time by making mud pies from the clay on the hillside, or eating berries from the mulberry tree.
But, life changes and all of a sudden you’re an adult, and life gets harder.
I believe if we all keep some sense of childlike behavior, our world would be just a little more friendlier.
But, as we all know, life is not all fun and games. With adulthood comes responsibilities.
As a newly saved Christian, we are as newborn babies. We know very little about this new way of life. But, if we’re fortunate, we surround ourselves with mature Christians, who can disciple and help guide us on our journey.
A Christian life is full of joy and excitement, and when you couple that with God’s blessings and grace, you’ll feel like a kid again.
As a Christian, I’ve grown and matured over the years. Some days are so amazing, and then some are not so much.
But, the best thing about my life is, God never leaves my side. On the mountain tops, and in the valleys, a Christian’s life is worth every second.
Keep it simple, as a child of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 - “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”