God may be silent, but He's never absent.

I recently went through a rough week. It started with getting sick; it continued with an emotional inner war, that I brought on myself.

What did I do? I fought back. I increased my prayer time. I cried out to God for help. I knew He was there, but at times it felt like He wasn’t. It was so quiet. I couldn’t sleep. This caused anxiety and by the time the middle of the week came, I was a mess.

Again, I persevered. I prayed. I read scripture. I asked God what I needed to do. That night, I surrendered. I let go of what I had been holding onto for far too long. I slept like a baby that night. It shocked me how much peace I had when I woke up the next day.

I heard a song on the radio while I was writing and it reminded me of how God is always at work in my life.

It says, “even when I don’t see it, you’re working; even when I can’t feel it, you’re working, you never stop, never stop working.”

God has never been absent in my life. I may have put Him on a shelf, but He was always there.

That very same morning, I had received an email that I had been waiting for, since signing up for my next mission trip.

I was approved and accepted to go to Rwanda in 2020! Wow! God is so good, and I’m glad He’s patient with me, when I am not.

God never stops. Even when you don’t see anything happening, He’s working!

Isaiah 64:8 - “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

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