Without challenge, where would we find courage?
Challenges can be exciting, or daunting. Most of us love a good challenge, a chance to prove ourselves.
Life in itself is a challenge sometimes. I’ve lived through and conquered many challenges in my life. As a child, I can remember the first challenge I was faced with. I lost my dad at the age of ten. This detour in my life journey shaped my life. It would take me decades to realize how much.
I always wondered what course my life would have gone, had my dad lived. Not then, but now I’m thankful for the challenges in my life. They caused me to find courage I never knew existed.
It took many years and I can remember early on, feeling sorry for myself. I became selfish, and didn’t let God into my world. I spent many years trying to get through life on my own, devising my own escapes in substances and devastating habits.
If you don’t have challenges in life, and you’ve always been handed things on a silver platter, you’ll probably tell yourself you don’t need God.
I’m not a fan of challenges or problems that come into my life, but they have given me the courage to accept things, ask God for help, and persevere.
God sees your motives; He knows your heart.
Challenge yourself. Strive to get into a relationship with God. He’ll give you the courage you never knew existed.
1 Chronicles 28:20 - “David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.”