Love shouldn’t be conditional. Love needs to come from the heart, with no expectations.
I recently watched my grandkids receiving their yellow belts in Martial Arts. Most of the kids were already excited and jumping around when I got there.
But, I noticed something from the instructor that really impressed me. He was very intentional and direct with each student, along with a smile and words of encouragement, each kid walked away with a visible face of confidence.
It just shows you that if you encourage kids, even if they’re not your own, it will give them the assurance and courage they need to do that next thing.
In the world we live in, there’s so much hate and competition, that there’s little room left for inspiration.
If you have a child in your life, or an adult, give them a few words of encouragement; smile and tell them they’re doing a good job.
Encouragement makes it easier to live in a fallen world. Discouragement stunts lives.
Encourage someone today, and breath life into their day.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”