Under the influence.

The blood alcohol content limit is 0.08% or higher. If a cop pulls you over and tests your alcohol level, and it is above the limit, you go to jail. It’s called a DUI - driving under the influence.

As a Christian, we should be walking under the influence of God. Our daily goal should be, to be more and more like Him.

When Jesus walked the earth, He had many followers, along with His disciples. Jesus was a great influential teacher and leader. Those who followed Him, then and now, are considered to be Under the Influence of Christ. Our life should be so consumed with His love and compassion, that we are intoxicated by His holy spirit.

The God I serve is a jealous God. He doesn’t want to share me with anyone or anything.

Just as Jesus had a great following in the New Testament, we, as Christians should be a Christ-like influence to others.

In order to have a Christ-like influence, we must be under the influence of Christ.

Show the world how to live the best life in Christ. While the world may be drowning in its own vomit, Christians can stand with Christ, confident in our positive influence to others.

Be under God’s influence, not the world’s.

Hebrews 12:28-29 - “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”

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