Can you be trusted?

Jesus tells us in Luke 16:10 that whoever can be trusted with very little, can be trusted with much.

The moral of these passages are: you cannot serve two masters.

You cannot love and serve God, but hold onto your money. That money you have in your bank account, stock market, or under your mattress, is not your money. God entrusts us with money. He’s the one who gave you the job to make the money. If you keep this money all to yourself or family, you’re living in direct opposition to God’s will.

Tithing to your local church is not something the religious leaders came up with. It’s a command from God, in the Bible.

When God blesses you with money or resources, or gifts, He’s waiting to see if you can be trusted with what He allows you to have.

I know it’s scary to give away money, but I can honestly tell you that when I put my trust in God with the money He gives me, and I give the first 10% of my paycheck to my local church, He has NEVER let me go without. In fact, I have been blessed beyond measure since I started consistently doing this.

Try it. Show God you can be trusted and use His blessings and gifts to give to others.

Luke 16:10 - “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

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