Comfort zone or end zone?

It’s time for Christians to go beyond their comfort zone. Most non-believers are beyond our comfort zone. The people that we need to reach are resistant, defiant, or just plain unapproachable.

In the game of football, there is an end zone. This is an area on each end of the field that is the scoring area. This is where the action or scoring tends to take place. This is where the football players want to be.

I relate this to witnessing to others. Just think. If the non-believers were in an area, where we could go to, and know that we would be successful in our witnessing, then we would go to that area. But, if these people are out of our comfort zone, a place where we’re not comfortable, or facing people we’re not comfortable speaking to, then we’re hesitant to even approach them.

Reality is that we live in a fallen world; a culture heading for destruction. Yet, as Christians, we can and do have hope for the future. It’s not that we’re living in a place, beyond any difficulties or problems. Christians should be living life with a confidence, a calmness about them, in all times of hardship, or despair. We should be witnesses to the fact that whatever zone we’re in, we’re at peace. We know that above all else, God is in control, and our worrying or trying to fix the situation will not help.

What zone are you in today? Are you comfortable approaching someone in the grocery store, telling them your story, and how you came to Christ? Are you confident enough in your walk with God, that if someone asks you what you believe, that you could tell them? Or, are you playing it safe? Are you waiting until conditions are perfect, before you open your mouth? Are you waiting on people to come to you and ask about your faith?

Today is the day of salvation, meaning, there’s no time to waste to bring others to Christ.

Get out of your comfort zone; quit playing it safe. Stand up for the God you believe in and depend on today.

Joshua 1:9 - “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Dianne PetreyComment