Compassion is action.

What are you compassionate about?

Compassion is defined as, “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.”

Did you know that in the Bible, it talks about a time when Jesus cried? He wept; having compassion for His friends, who were weeping at the grave of Lazarus, and He wept along with them.

Jesus commands us to love on another. That means to also suffer along with them.

Sure, we can send money to the poor for a tax write off, but do you have empathy for these people?

I’ll admit that before going on my first mission trip, I wasn’t aware of the need, the hunger, and the desperation of the people living in a third-world country.

My love and compassion grew leaps and bounds, as I helped and loved on the beautiful people of Peru.

Be generous with your money, your time, your gifts.

God knows your heart. Give willingly, not because you feel guilty if you didn’t, but because you have compassion and are giving from the heart.

You have to take action with your compassion. Do something, instead of writing a check. Get out there, tell others about how Jesus saved you and loves you.

Romans 12:12 - “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

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