Against the odds.

When we put our cares in God’s Hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.

There was an old hymn I used to sing called, “We shall overcome.” The song speaks of overcoming heartache, fear and finding peace in living.

Everything seems to be in chaos these days. People are in a panic, fearing the worst threat to humanity since the flu pandemic in 1918.

I admit, I’m concerned, but I’m also hopeful for the future.

Even though the odds seem against us, God is for us, and that’s something to be hopeful for. God is good. When people panic, chaos follows. There’s nothing wrong with being concerned, just don’t let it consume you.

This is what satan wants. He wants the world to feel fear, to feel hopeless. Don’t give into this.

Instead, put on your shield of armor, God, and stand up and fight the battle of the mind.

God sees what’s going on. It’s no surprise to Him. He’s watching to see how we, who call ourselves Christians, react to this situation.

Are we going to live in fear and despair of what might happen? Or, are we going to hold onto the only truth, that God is in control.

Acknowledge God and beat the odds.

Judges 7:7 - “The Lord said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home.”

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