What do they hear you talking about?

I find it easy to be with my grandkids. They’re not worried about what’s going on in the world. All they want is my undivided attention and love.

Ah, to be a kid again. To not have any worries, other than, “why my sister took my toy….”

Be careful what you are saying, when kids are around you right now. Kids can pick up on everything.

Kids need encouragement, love, a listening ear, and our undivided attention. They need to see confidence in your face and actions.

Let’s fill the house with singing, dancing and love. Let them see you praying with a boldness.

Not only kids, but others who don’t know Jesus, are watching us Christians.

Let your light shine, Christians. Speak in love and compassion. Talk about how great our God is, and how He is watching over us.

God never fails. NEVER! Christians, tell others your story. Tell them the peace God gives to His children and the peace He’s giving you now.

Give them something to talk about!

Acts 22:15 - “You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.”

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