When we don't know what to do, we keep our eyes on you, God!

I heard the above statement the other day, and it couldn’t be more appropriate for what we’re going through now.

Many of us, even Christians, have moments of panic, this is our nature. But, I’ve found that as long as I keep on doing what I have been doing, praising and walking with God, I have peace.

I’ve learned to replace fear with faith; worry with worship.

As long as I’m keeping my eyes on God, I don’t have time to worry.

In my early walk with God I didn’t have a clue what it meant to follow God. It took time and dedication to reading His Word. It took me going through hard times, when all I had was God.

The thing that Christians can have the most confidence in right now, is that God doesn’t give up on us. He pursues us, consistently and continually.

I know life seems bleak right now. The unknown is a little unnerving.

This is the time to trust God. This moment in time didn’t catch Him off guard. He’s watching to see how we react.

What’s it going to be? Fear or faith? Worry or worship? Anger, or trusting God?

Look up to the Promise Keeper!

2 Chronicles 15:7 - “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

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