And just like that....

Plans were halted, calendars wiped out, lives changed.

Years from now, we’ll be asking, “where were you in the 2020 pandemic?”

In less than a month ago, we were all going to work, school; doing our daily routine. And just like that, our world, our life as we knew it, changed.

Our minds, our thoughts, were re-directed in just a few days. The invisible imposter, COVID-19 has invaded our land; seeped into our communities.

But, as Christians, we will not be moved. Yes, our lives have been disrupted, but our minds are still and forever fixed on God.

In times like these, we’re not sitting at home, fretting and getting anxious over what’s happening.

We are looking to Christ, trusting in His everlasting promises.

My routine may have changed, but my passion for life remains the same. My goal is to still tell others my story. My objective, to reveal my character through this adversity.

When Jesus returns some day soon to take His saints home, it will be in a blink of an eye.

And just like that, your eternity will become reality. Are you ready for that?

Eclesiastes 3:1 - “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:”

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