It's still empty.
The tomb is still empty.
Easter is here and many are spending the holiday a little different this year. The Easter bunny won’t come; you can’t wear your new dress to church; the egg hunt, non-existent. This is what most Americans are thinking about.
For those of us who are Christians, this Easter will be no different than last year. As a matter of fact, the day will be celebrated in the same way it has always been, as a Christian. We worship Jesus. We thank God for sending us His only Son, to die on a cross, for each one of us.
We celebrate the ‘empty tomb.' It’s still empty because Jesus conquered death. He was crucified for OUR sins. He was beaten and martyred, humiliated and broken beyond physical recognition. But, praise God, Jesus rose from the tomb on a day we celebrate as Easter Sunday. We know that He left the tomb alive! And, the best part is, He’s still alive. And, more than that, He’s coming back for us. He’s gone to prepare a place for His church (us) and will come back one day in the clouds, to take his church home.
Are you feeling empty today? Do you feel defeated and lonely; forgotten?
Yes, the tomb is still empty, but Easter offers an empty tomb, full of promise. The promise of tomorrow is yours today. Say YES to Jesus; give Him your life and enjoy the hope of eternity.
You are not forgotten! Jesus is alive!
John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”