Buyer's manual.

I’m sure you’ve bought a product that has a buyer’s manual; an instructional/informational book about the product. Most of us glaze over it, and either throw it away or put it up in case there’s a problem later.

Is this the same issue that comes up when reading the Bible?

I’ll admit I used to try to read the Bible, mark up a few chapters, then put it aside until trouble comes.

Yeah, that didn’t work out too well for me either.

Now, I use the Bible as my daily food. I have to have it to survive.

For those of you looking for answers during this trying time, it’s time for you to open up the Bible.

The Bible is God breathed. Meaning, every word written was and is inspired by God.

It gives me hope, when things look bleak. It delivers guidance when I don’t know which way to turn.

Ask God for help, when attempting to read the Bible.

It’s my life manual; my training guide. My morning cup of coffee. My boost for the day. My map for the day’s journey. And, it’s my bedtime story.

James 1:22 -”Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

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