Show them the way.

Many people are confused, and are not sure how to handle this new normal. People are isolated, lonely and afraid.

As Christians, we are to be the hands and feet of Christ. This means that we should be spreading the word, the good news of Jesus’ love for each of us. I think that there are many out there who are just waiting for us to ask them, how they are; how they are coping.

Unless we step up, reach out and ask, we’ll never know who is out there, ready to say yes to Jesus. They’re ready for a change in their life. They’re willing to let Jesus turn their life around.

Now, I know that we are all practicing social distancing, so this may be difficult to do with those who are not on social media, or who don’t have a phone where you could text them.

Start small. Did you know that you could even send a letter to someone? That’s right. They call it snail mail these days.

Reach out. Start out by telling them your story. Tell them how you were once desperate and didn’t know which way to turn, or who to turn to. That’s when someone told you about Jesus and you gave your life to Him.

You’ll never know until you take that first step of connection.

After all, God commands us to love one another.

What’s your excuse? Show them the way; reach out today.

John 13:34 - “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

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