Some water; others fertilize.

As we start to prepare our gardens for the summer months, some of us start with seeds, urging them on until we see sprouts big enough to take outdoors. Others, like myself, will wait a little while longer and take on the challenge of a summer garden in Kentucky.

I’ve had some success, mainly with flowers, but have tried vegetables over the past few years. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration when planning a garden. Will the area have enough sunlight? What about watering? Is it protected by the yard varmints that are lurking in the shadows?

It’s not like you can start your garden, plant the seeds, then sit back and just wait on it to produce a bountiful harvest. You have to work at it; daily! You have to water and most times, fertilize to keep it going.

Just as it is in life. As Christians, we are to spread the news of Jesus and tell of His great love and grace. We might be the one person in a stranger’s life that starts the process, watering the seeds. Then, someone may come along after you, and fertilize. They’ll also tell of Jesus and His plan of salvation. Yet, the man/woman may still be reluctant to come to Christ.

This is all we can do, brothers and sisters. We are to water, and fertilize, yet, we may never see the results.

That’s ok. We can start the process; it’s up to Jesus to see it through.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Tell others about Jesus and how He can save them from a world of hurt and pain. Let Jesus do the rest.

Water, fertilize. The harvest is ripe. Start today.

Matthew 9:37 - “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

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