He directs the ravens.
1 Kings 17:4 - “You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.”
Are you scared, lonely; afraid of what the future holds?
Verse 4 of 1 Kings 17, is talking about God speaking to Elijah. He’s telling him to keep going and to trust Him that He will take care of him. The part of the verse that speaks to me is, God saying, “I have directed the ravens to supply you with food.”
Wow! God speaks not only to us, but He can direct a bird to carry out His mission. If God can use a bird, He can use me, and you.
When I signed up for my first mission trip with Go International, I had no idea what was ahead. I was scared, afraid of what it might involve. Did I have the knowledge and courage to deliver God’s message to the people of Peru?
Well, three years and 3 mission trips later, I can confess that God directed my steps, instilled in me the ability to go and to be an example of Christ.
How will you let God use you today? It may not be on a mission trip, but it could be in your own neighborhood.
If God can direct the ravens to care for Elijah, He can take care of you in this pandemic.
Trust God, He never fails!