You don’t realize how much you use your hands until you can’t use them. My hands have been in constant use for about 3 months now, renovating a house. I’ve used them in so many different ways that it’s taking a toll. As you age, arthritis is a condition that most of us live with, daily. The doctor says to rest my hands; that the overuse and repetitive motion my hands have been going through has caused pain and swelling and advanced arthritis.
So, now my intention is to rest my hands, give them extra attention and care. And pray.
Your hands are just a small part of your body, but they play a big part in your daily life. To neglect them would be foolish.
Just as we are in our Christian life, we should be looking at our whole life with Christ. Are we putting forth the effort to give Christ our best each day? Or, are we neglecting responsibilities of serving, loving others and spending time with God?
We can’t just say, “I’ll read my bible when I go to church, or I’ll pray when I’m in trouble, or I’ll give money when I get rich.” We must sacrifice. We have to put forth the effort to get to know the creator of the universe. It is imperative that we give our whole life, our whole body, our resourses and time to Christ, each and every day.
Take care of your body, your time, and let God use you today. Don’t wait until the inflammation sets in and you’re in pain. God can use you right now. Give Him the best of you, hands down!
Matthew 6:3-4 - But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.