He grew the tree.

There’s a song I love that’s called, “He grew the tree.” This song gives you the visualization that God not only sent His Son to die for each one of us, but that He actually planted the seed and grew the tree, that He knew would be used as a cross and where He would take His last breath.

This tree was the old rugged cross. Jesus was mocked, spit on, whipped and beaten, but His death wasn’t in vain. His death gave each one of us a chance for life.

What is your response to the above statement? Do you read it, and go on with your day, not thinking about it again? Or, do you for the first time realize that there is a God who cares? There is a God who would love us so much that in order for us to have a life in eternity, He would have to send His Son to earth to die for each one of us.

God is real. He sacrificed His only Son for you and me. What have you sacrificed lately? Time out of your day to help a friend; money to help those who are suffering?

I’m so thankful that God loves me and He proved it on the cross. He grew the tree that He knew would be, used to make the old rugged cross.

Ezekiel 17:24 - “And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.”

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