God is faithful, even when I'm not.

Faith is believing in something, even when the evidence is unclear.

As a new Christian, I was on fire for God. I visited the elderly, volunteered at church, etc. I did all the right ‘churchy’ things I thought I should be doing.

No one really told me what to expect, what’s next. They didn’t really say that this new life requires work on my part. But more than anything, no one told me that I needed to develop my relationship with God. I can’t blame anyone. They just assumed I was seeking God.

If I could give one bit of advice to any new Christian it would be this: Talk to God, like He’s your best friend. Tell Him your desires, fears and what scares you to death.

Take the time to get to know Him. How? Read His story, the Bible.

Soon, you will understand God’s plan for your life. Trust will come, then an unimaginable faith will be birthed within you.

And, even when you fall away and lose faith in God, He will still be faithful to His promises.

2 Timothy 2:13 - “if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.”

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