Does God believe in you?

Has anyone ever asked you, “do you believe in God?” If you answered yes, and followed through with it, you’re a Christian.

But, have you ever asked yourself, “does God believe in me?” And, what does that really mean, anyway?

God created humanity and every living thing on earth. Those of us who believe this know that we serve an amazing, omnipotent God. He’s everywhere, all the time. He existed before time itself and yet, we rarely ask ourselves, “does God believe in me?”

Does He believe me when i say I love Him and want my life to change? Does God trust me with His plan to change the world and to reach the lost?

In my case, I believe He does. God knows my name, where I live, who I love and who depends on me. He knows what I need, even before I do.

God expects Christians to live a life of self denial and humility. I believe God believes in me because He knows me thoroughly. I trust that He can get me back on track when I stray from Him and His Word.

God believes in me because He sees me differently than the world does. He loves me, even when I mess up. God trusted me, this broken girl who struggled most of her life, fighting against God, to travel to the mission fields of Peru and tell the people about the goodness of God.

I believe in God, and God believes in me! What a comforting confidence!

Philippians 3:13-14 - “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behindand straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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