Most of us like to think that we can accomplish great things, on our own. Nothing, absolutely nothing is possible without God leading your life.
We think that if we discipline ourselves enough that we can create our own destiny. God actually wants us to desire Him. He wants us to admit that we need Him in our life.
God promises are recorded throughout the Bible; from Abraham to today. These promises are as essential for Christian living, as food and water are for physical life.
Open yourself up to God's grace; His promises; His power!
These promises of God are within reach. What a terrible loss people experience when they short change themselves by failing to lay hold on these promises.
1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you."
Today is my birthday and I woke up feeling different about birthdays today. I admit, I'm usually selfish when it comes to birthdays and I think everyone should make birthdays special. But today, instead of wanting to fulfill my own desires, I want to fulfill someone else's.
Starting today, I want to give more of myself, my time, my money to those in need. My life is but a vapor and I want to have spent it giving, every day.
I'm thankful for yet another birthday. I received another day of life. My goal today is to please God, in whatever way I can.
Look around for someone today in need. Reach out to those who are lonely. Love the brokenhearted.
We get one life! Live for God, you'll never regret it!
Proverbs 9:11 - "For by Me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life."
God disciplines those He loves. This truth is throughout the Bible. This discipline is the process by which we learn a way of life. This same discipline requires a relationship with God.
Just as a parent is with a child. In order to discipline the child, you must have a relationship with the child. The child must respect you and your authority. So it is with God.
The more we choose to live eternally minded, the easier it becomes to live fully surrendered. This means giving our whole life to Christ; not just the parts we want Him to control.
Just as God formed Adam; from the dust. He breathed life into Adam and created the first human. The same analogy applies to a potter. He takes dust, mixes it with water and forms clay. He then molds the clay with his hands to create something beautiful.
Stay moldable. Let God mold you and transform your life into something beautiful. Sometimes this can be quite painful, but if we trust what God is doing in our lives, we will become all God designed us to be.
James 4:7 - "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
It is so important to spend time with God, however you do it. I like to read a devotion and then just randomly open the Bible and read. If we truly want to experience God, we will need to be with God every day.
Seeking God daily helps us draw closer to Him and understand Him more. Read the Bible; listen for God to speak to you through the Holy Spirit. Make this a daily habit, to seek God's presence.
Some people are intimated by prayer. Some think that it requires knowledge of how to pray, or where to pray. When, in reality, prayer is just talking to God.
Talk to God; give Him thanks for your life, family, etc. Tell Him your desires; give Him your burdens. Be devoted to prayer daily and your life will be enriched.
Psalm 119:169 - Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word!
If God's love abides in you/me, it will be shown through our actions; our spirit.
God commands us to love one another, and He really means this. Can you honestly say that you love everyone you meet? Probably not the first thing that comes to mind in some cases, huh? As Christians, we are to love one another; we should be desiring to please God and to serve others as Jesus served.
In addition to loving one another, we should be daily meeting with God. We should be waking up in the morning, with God on our minds, asking, "How can I please you today God; how can I serve You?"
Yet, some of us routinely go to Church on Sunday and as soon as we leave the premises, He's not even a thought until next Sunday. I've been there; I've neglected God; I've deserted Him. But, thank God for His grace and mercy; He never left me, ever.
Do you know the last time you went to a church where you looked around and just knew that the people in the room really want to be there; really came there for God, just to be in His presence? Sadly, this is hard to find in America.
Show God that His love does abide in you. Love your neighbor as yourself. Give to those who are in need. Put God first in your life.
Psalm 136:26 - "Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever."
I'm thankful for the 'faith building moments' in my life; those times that I just knew that God was doing something amazing behind the scenes.
I also am thankful that I have a growing faith and that this faith is what God desires to produce in each of His children. As Christians, we must develop a strong prayer life; studying the scriptures and totally relying on God to carry us through difficult times. Fear and worry should have no room in our lives if we live by these beliefs.
The main ingredient that helps our faith grow is for us to go through trials. No one likes to go through trials, including myself, but they are necessary for us to grow in faith, and to grow in our relationship with God.
I've noticed over the past couple of years that when I'm faced with struggles or hardships, it forces me to dig deeper, seek God harder and trust Him like I never have before.
Be thankful for those 'faith building moments;' it's God giving our faith a workout, so that we can be a stronger Christian. Step out in faith; you'll build spiritual strength you never knew you had.
Isaiah 41:10 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
I lost my dog of 14 years yesterday. It was a very tough day. She had developed a malignant tumor and other cancers had invaded her lungs. We were optimistic at first; the doctor thinking he could remove the tumor and she would be ok. But the radiologist read the x-ray, and our decision to end her life became inevitable.
I've never been in this situation, and at the time, it felt like I was playing God.
As I write today, although my heart still hurts from the loss of Lexi, I see this being a part of God's plan for my life.
I see God moving and making me ready to use me and my husband in a mighty way. Part of me wants to take a sneak peak and see what my future holds. But, I have faith and a trust in God to take me to my next chapter.
Yes, loss of a pet is hard, but I have to remember the good times she gave me. The unconditional love of a pet is something everyone should experience. No matter what happens, they're always there to greet you when you get home.
Loss is hard, but God is good.
Genesis 1:30 - “And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.”
There have been times in my life where it is very clear what God is doing in my life, and then there are times that I'm saying, "I don't understand this God."
I can look back on my life and see many times where God stepped in and kept me from a calamity; saved me from a horrible car crash, and prevented me from getting an opportunity that was not good for me. So, I know that God sees me. I know that he hears my cries at night. I know that He is for me and not against me.
That's why I can rest in the promises He has made me. I can wait for the answers that He will give me.
Take time today to rest in His promises. Realize that no matter what comes your way today, God's got this!
Proverbs 4:12 - "When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and if you run, you will not stumble."