World peace vs. God's peace

The world offers many kinds of peace, most of it temporary at best.  There are false teachers roaming around the earth, people who claim to be Christians who are not, and are offering people a 'peaceful, stress-free life' if they just follow them.  Be careful friends of these type people and religions.  

Jesus has already commanded that He has overcome the world.  There will never be true peace that we will share unless and until we confess our sins and give our life to Christ.  That's when a peace that passes all human understanding will be a part of your world.

Don't get me wrong, world peace is a beautiful idea, but one that will only come to be when Jesus returns.  

Our job until then is to convince our family and friends to give their life to Christ; be borne again and live a life that God requires.  And someday soon, we will bask in the glory of God's goodness and everlasting peace.

John 16:33 - "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Dianne PetreyComment
God determines every victory

There is not an area or detail in your life that God will not be willing to help you with.  You may think that the issues in your life are small or trivial, but God doesn't.

I've spent so many years of my life miserable because I was depending on my own plans; my own goals.  Once I realized that God is in control and has already won the battles ahead, I was then able to rest, knowing that the burden lifted.

God guides our steps daily.  He knows where we will be next month, next year, etc.  He knows when to shut doors and when to open them.

It may seem that you're going in the right direction, and then something happens that changes your course.  You may feel confused or even angry that you didn't get what you wanted.  If the door was closed, it was closed for a reason.  God didn't want you to go down that path, but another path that He has already designed for you and for your good.

Stay faithful, even in the isolated areas; the dry spells.  God's got this!

Deuteronomy 20:4 – "For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory."

Dianne PetreyComment
Faith is like a muscle; use it or lose it!

Some of us spend time daily to exercise.  Some want to get stronger; some to maintain what they have.  If you're like me, you know when you've missed your daily work-out or you didn't have time to work-out altogether.  And, you know that the longer you go without this routine, you can feel the difference.

The same is true with faith.  The longer you go without using your faith, the greater the danger of forgetting how to use it altogether.

So, faith is like a muscle.  It needs to be exercised.  It needs to be used daily.  Faith is God's gift to each of us who believe in Him.

I aim to get stronger in my faith because I know that faith factors in the ability of God to go to work in me.  If we try to figure out life on our own initiative, then we're likely to get discouraged and give up.

God never promised us a happy, stress-free life.  We need to be strong in our faith to face the storms of life.  We need to trust that God is in control.

Stay in faith.  Grow stronger in your faith and watch your life change for the better.

Ephesians 2:8 – "For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,"

Dianne PetreyComment
God is searching

God actively seeks people He can use to do His work.  Have you ever thought about this?  It could be you or me.  All it takes from us is a willing heart.  

After my first mission trip last year I want more than ever to be used by God.  I'm saying, "send me, I'll go!"  He did send me and that trip changed my life forever.  I'm more determine now to be the Hands and Feet of God!

Who wants to be used by God?  Are you willing to step outside of your little world and go do God's work?  This doesn't mean you have to travel halfway across the globe.  He may want you to visit a neighbor; reach out to the clerk at the grocery store, or go visit the elderly in a nursing home.  

We need God, and He needs people like you and me who will be bold and step out in faith and do His will.

Seek God and you will find Him.  God has already gone before us and done what is necessary for our salvation.  It is now up to us to follow Him.  

Be found by God today!

God is seeking each one of us today.  Be available.  Be ready.  He sought Adam
Luke 19:10 - "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Dianne PetreyComment
Wait on God

Most of us are guilty of going around, daily, looking for miracles and fast remedies to their solution.

The Bible tells over and over how many believers waited on God and trusted in His plan.  They held to their faith when all hope was gone.

I've found in my Christian walk that waiting on God is a necessity.  Our patience in waiting shows God that we trust in His plans.

Waiting is hard work, and often tests our faith.  News that we may be waiting on, a miracle that we want to see happen, can even tempt us to be impatient and discouraged.  We even wonder if God cares.

I've learned over the years that when I'm waiting on an answer to a prayer, or a shift in my current situation, to wait with expectancy.  This is often hard to do, but trust me, it works.

Thank God today for future blessings and answered prayers that are just around the corner.

Isaiah 40:31 – "but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint"

Dianne PetreyComment
A God of second chances

We've all messed up in life.  Some more than others, including myself.  But, thank God I serve a God of second chances.  

Throughout the Bible, God proves over and over again that He is a God of second chances.  Now, this is not to say that we can deliberately commit a specific sin every day and God will gives us another chance tomorrow, or is it?

Think about this.  If you were working for a company that required you to perform a specific task every day and you repeatedly didn't do it, do you think they'd keep giving you another chance?  Probably not after the first few reprieves.

God has a way of giving you a second chance, yet allowing you to learn and grow in relationship with him.  You see, if we are a child of God, then we love to please God; we live to please God.  So I know that if there is something that I'm doing over and over again that is not pleasing to God, I need to stop.  Why?  Because I love God and I know He loves me and wants nothing more than to please me; give me the desires of my heart.

Just as God is patient and forgiving to us, He also wants us to be patient and forgiving to others.

A second chance is giving a person another chance to earn their trust.  Reach out to someone that has done you wrong and offer mercy; another chance to entrust them with your heart.

1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Dianne PetreyComment

Wow, what a year 2018 has been for me.  I'm thankful for so many things, but most of all for God.

God has been so present, so close to me and I just want more of Him.  God was with me in 2017.  He carried me through a rough year, and I was never alone. 

I'm thankful for His blessings every day.  God is good. 

Two thousand eighteen was a very memorable year.  I went on my first mission trip.  I made new friends from my church.  God used me in the mission fields of Peru. I went to Israel and saw the hand of God touch my life like never before. I actually walked where Jesus walked.  I was baptized in the Jordan river, WOW!  My 3rd grandchild was born in November.  And finally two days ago I self-published my first book.

Thank God He never gave up on this small-town West Virginia girl, who although started out on shaky ground, is now God's disciple.  God has and will use me for some mighty works in the mission fields.  He knows my desires and I trust His plans for me.

Looking forward to 2019 and all the blessings ahead.  Thankful for God's favor on my life and I pray that He continues to use me as His Hands and Feet.

Dianne PetreyComment
God chooses the unlikely

I can relate to the above statement.

If you're like me, you grow up thinking of this perfect little life that you'd like to live.  And, if you're like me, you'll soon realize, it's not happening.

Although I was saved and baptized at the age of 16, I lived my life far from holy.  I was a rebellious teenager and ignored God most years after that.  Oh, I would pray to God when something came up that was stressful or difficult.  Or, if there was something that I really needed to happen, He would hear from me.

Because of all this, my life was not what I imagined.  But, because of all this, God chose me.  He chose an unlikely girl from West Virginia to show what He can do with someone's life.

He never left me, ever.  I'm so thankful that God chooses the unlikely.  The person that no one could imagine would ever make something of themselves. 

He appointed you and me to change the world.  He knew all this even before we were born.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 – " Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Dianne PetreyComment