Customer service

Philippians 2:4-5 - “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,”

I’ve been in the customer service arena for all of my professional career. I’ve always tried to give people what they need, whether it’s computer help or teaching a new software.

As it says in the scripture above, don’t just look out for your own needs, strive towards serving others.

When in a conflict, do you listen to others as to their point of view, or are you too busy voicing your own opinions?

Get intentional on focusing on the needs of others rather than your own needs.

Have a Christ-like attitude. There’s an old Proverb that says, “Seek to understand before seeking to be understood.”

When preparing to go into a conflict resolution, be prepared to listen and focus on them, instead of wanting to push around your own opinions and ideas.

Dianne PetreyComment
Full custody or weekend visitation?

I have been a single parent more than I have shared in parenting my two kids.

For those of you who have kids and have lived or are currently living with sharing custody of your own child or children, know that in most instances, it’s a little more difficult than with having everyone under the same roof.

For those who have split custody or just weekend visitations, you feel cheated.

That’s how God feels when you leave Him out of your life. He feels cheated of a full-time relationship.

Give God full custody of your life, not just weekend or Sunday morning visitation. He’s a good father; a jealous dad.

Give Him your time; your life.

Romans 5:8 - “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Quit forcing God to only parts of your life. Stop just giving God weekend visitations. Give God full custody of your life.

Dianne PetreyComment
Bucket List.

Do you have a bucket list? Are there things you want to do before you die; places you want to see?

I have to admit, I do have a bucket list.

Does your bucket list include God in your travels? Are items on your list designed to give Him glory?

You can have a bucket list and include God in all of it. God loves to please His children. But He also requires commitment on our part. Tell God your bucket list. Tell Him places you want to see or things you want to do. If your wishes fit into God’s plans for your life then you can start checking off the list as He blesses you through it.

But, before you make your bucket list, give God your whole life. He already knows the intent of your heart. Why not let Him check that list off.

Matthew 6:33 - “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Trail mix

I love trail mix; a mixture of dried fruit, nuts and sometimes seeds. I usually make my own, but when I buy it from the store, I never know what I’ll get. I find myself picking out the pieces of dried pineapple, or my favorite nuts, cashews. And when I get to the end of the bag, all that’s left are the pieces I don’t really care for.

Isn’t this the way some people treat Christianity? They will go to church on Sunday, but be too busy during the week for a Bible study.

Or, they will treat their best friend with their undivided attention, but neglect helping a neighbor in need.

This breaks God’s heart. He wants all of us; our undivided attention, every day.

Quit picking out the hard parts of being a Christian and doing only what comes easy.

You can’t ride the fence. Don’t get caught between clear biblical teaching and what culture pressures you to believe.

To reject ‘some’ of the Bible (God’s authority) is to reject all of it.

James 2:10 - “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”

Stick to scripture. Follow God’s lead and choose God alone!

Dianne PetreyComment

Are you vulnerable in your marriage? Are you secret-free in your friendships?

Genesis 2:25 - “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.”

God designed the Garden of Eden and it was a perfect place until sin showed up. Are you like most people in that the thought of being vulnerable makes you uncomfortable? After all, who looks forward to embarrassment, criticism or being hurt?

Some of us fear that our vulnerability will get taken advantage of. But, it’s when we open our hearts to others and are completely honest with them, we can experience the fullness of a loving relationship.

Being honest with God is a crucial part in getting close to Him. It’s scary admitting to things which would usually leave us open to rejection. But, God offers us complete refuge from feeling we have to put up barriers and have to be on guard. He always welcomes us with open arms.

We glorify God with our whole dependance on Him.

Our human nature is to resist vulnerability. As we admit our limitations as humans, we can trust that when our capabilities end, His begin.

Trust God. When we are weak, He is strong.

God designed our vulnerability for His glory and for us to receive more of His grace through it.

Dianne PetreyComment
Ungodly influence

Have you ever been on a diet? You tell yourself you’re not going to go by that bakery with all the wonderful smells of bread and pastries. Then, two days later, you think, ‘oh, those smells won’t bother me, they won’t deter me from my diet.’

Then before you know it, you stop inside the bakery just to see the latest creation of pasties and you’re ordering a donut to go.

That’s how sin works. It slowly sneaks into your daily routine that you don’t even realize it’s there. And before you know it, you’re sinning; you’re doing what you promised yourself you wouldn’t do.

If you want to live a Godly life, then you’ll need to separate yourself from ungodly influences. Don’t let worldly pleasures dominate Godly principles.

Your character defines your influence. Our character is influenced and developed by our choices.

God sometimes uses trials to strengthen character. Others especially watch Christians when they’re going through trials.

Set a good example for others to follow and your Godly reputation will be evident to all.

Make your Godly influence be evident to others.

Psalm 1:1 - “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;”

Dianne PetreyComment
A person of integrity.

Are you a person of integrity? Do others trust your opinions? If you say you’ll show up at a certain time, do you?

I’ve spoken about this before and the Bible has many examples of men and women of integrity. Integrity is “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”

Proverbs 25:14 - “Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given.”

The qualities of someone with integrity are: honesty, good character, fairness, sincerity in their speech and being trustworthy.

Do you keep the promises you make, or are they just words? Are you a good steward of your money, or do you buy things because you think you deserve them?

Do you pay your bills on time, or are bill collectors calling you? Are you talking about others behind their back, or do you refuse to listen to gossip?

Are you a faithful employee and do you do your best at work? Do you act one way on Sunday morning, but totally different on any other day?

Stay true to your word. Ask God to help you in this area if you’re struggling.

Be a person of integrity. God will bless you for it!

Dianne PetreyComment
Your faith is like a muscle.

If you don’t regularly work your body muscles, they will eventually atrophy and be worthless.

So it is with faith. If your faith is not stretched, tested and strained, then it will not grow.

Matthew 5:11-12 - “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

If you want to be more Christ-like, you’re going to have to go through the things that Jesus did. Did you know that while Jesus lived on earth, He experienced stress, loneliness, discouragement and temptation?

If you don’t have opposition in your life, your faith is not growing. God will bless anyone who is persecuted in His name.

Share your faith. Tell others the great things God has brought you through. Put a ‘faith’ workout in your daily routine. Stretch beyond what you think you’re capable of.

Ask God to help you maintain your faith muscles!

Dianne PetreyComment