A settled confidence.

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us of His plans for us. He wants His children to prosper and not fail.

Do you believe this to be true? Do you trust God’s plan for your life? Do you have a settled confidence in that God wants only the best for you?

What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? How do you handle a sudden change in plans?

Do you panic or fall apart? What does this message say to God?

As I look back on my 20’s and 30’s, I see a woman struggling to find her way. Yes, I knew God then, but it wasn’t like we had a close relationship. I didn’t trust easily and always wondered why everyone else seemed to be having a good life when mine was falling apart.

The answer to all my problems was right in front of me and I failed to acknowledge it.

I didn’t have confidence in myself, let alone God.

But, God never gave up on me. He pursued me every day, until I let go and let Him take over.

Trust me, the peace and confidence God still gives me is breath and life to me.

Seek the settled confidence that only God can give.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 - “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be savedand to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

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In God's eyes.

We see it all the time, especially in these times. People raising other people up, maybe because of their status in the company, maybe because they have more money, etc. Whatever the case may be, know this. God loves you and accepts you as you are.

I was recently upgraded on a flight I took, and not because I paid more to get the upgrade. Some call it luck, others, like me, call it God’s grace.

As I was sitting in the first class area of the plane, I made an observation that concerned me. The stewardess came by to ask what type of snack I would like. She offered a variety of snacks, albeit a higher grade of snacks. But, as she passed me by to the people seated in coach, I noticed she didn’t offer the same types of snacks, but a lower grade of snacks.

What separated us? Money?

I guess I just have a giving heart. I would want to give everyone the same type of snack, regardless of where they sat.

God loves the poor and the humble. He hates pride and arrogance.

I pray you don’t treat others differently, just because of the color of their skin, their political views or their lack of education.

Love as God loves. Give to those in need, and treat each other fairly.

Ephesians 4:32 - “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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Refining trials of the righteous.

How do you look at opposition, disappointment or tragedy?

When trials come or the unknown diagnosis looms, do you erupt in anger? Are your thoughts steered toward the worst scenario?

Did you ever think that this had to happen before you could advance to the next level?

I have to admit that I’ve been on the doom and gloom side before. It’s not fun and it only causes stress and worry to overtake you.

I’m slowly learning that God is refining me, daily. He’s testing me to see if I trust Him. If I don’t trust Him with the little insignificant things that suddenly arise, then why would God advance me to a higher level of righteousness.

Just as a blacksmith places an object in the fire to mold it, so does God place things in our lives to see how we handle it.

I trust God with the outcome. He knows me. He knows my heart. He’s aware of my intentions.

So the next time something unexpected happens, look at it as an opportunity to grow in your faith.

Be optimistic and thankful that God chose you and He already knows your potential.

Let God refine you today.

Isaiah 48:10 - “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”

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My heart stopped; fear set in.

You’ve been there. That moment when you’re thrown off course.

I was sitting in the airport, waiting to board my 6:00 a.m. flight, when the attendant announces, “can Dianne Petrey please come to the Delta desk for a message?”

Several thoughts came to mind. Has my husband had an accident after dropping me off earlier; is it my grandkids, etc.?

As I hesitantly approached the desk, the attendant asked if it would be ok if they upgraded me to comfort plus, so a family could be seated together?

I smiled, and let out a breath of air, and said, “Yes!”

Now that scene only took a few minutes to transpire, but the worry that overtook me in those few minutes got me to thinking. Why am I so quick to worry? After all, I had just spent time that very morning, thanking God for His provisions and mercy.

None of us like to have our plans changed. We’re so focused on what we want and when it should happen, that we don’t leave room for God to move into our lives.

I had a major change happen at work last week, which took me by surprise. I was comfortable in my zone. Yes, I know that God’s plans are not always our plans.

Not sure what lies ahead but trusting God to carry me to my next assignment. God is always good and His plans are so much better than mine.

Stay steadfast in your faith. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Philippians 1:6 - “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

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I’ve always been fascinated in taking an old antique piece and restoring it. When you restore something, you typically take a piece of furniture that was at some time new, now old, and making it look new again.

When we were born, we start out as this new little human, dependent on others for living. As we get older, we may try and restore our bodies, to produce a better version of us, maybe by eating right, losing weight, working out more, etc.

But, with Jesus, we’re talking about a total life transformation, not restoration.

Jesus takes your broken bodies, broken spirits and turns you into a brand new creature. All the sin, anger, depression, we once carried, can be gone overnight.

Why wouldn’t everyone want this? Because they’re in bondage. Satan has their minds, their thought life and their souls held captive. He has convinced them that God can’t help, that they can be their own God, and have control of their own life.

Don’t fall for it. Ask Jesus into your life. Allow Him to fill your life with peace and fulfillment.

Repent and restore your eternity to Jesus today.

Psalms 78:7 - “Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deed but would keep his commands.”

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Heaven is not for good people but for forgiven people.

I’m a part of a team at my church called, “Evangalism Explosion.” Our goal is to tell others about Jesus and to share the gospel.

There’s still a misconception in the church, It appears that most people in the congregation think that it’s the sole job of the pastor to evangelize in the community. But, in reality, it’s not. It’s anyone who is a Christian. You are commanded to be a part of the great commission.

That doesn’t mean you have to be an ordained minister, have completed seminary, or been on a mission trip. It means that you can tell others about Jesus right where you are.

You can tell others in your neighborhood the good news of salvation. You can tell the person sitting next to you on the plane.

There is no limit to where or when we can evangelize.

One of the questions we typically ask is, “if you were to die today and found yourself standing before God, and He asked you, “Why should I let you into heaven?”, what do you think you would say?”

I’ve heard more people say, “well, I haven’t killed anyone and I try to do good things for people.”

Friends, that’s a sad place to be. The only ticket into Heaven is forgiveness from God; repentance to the One who died in your place.

Accept the free pass today. Give your life to Him. You’ll never be good enough to get there.

John 14:6 - “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

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With Jesus, comes endless hope. Without Him comes a hopeless end.

There’s no hope without trust. Trusting in Jesus alone in your life will give you an eternity of hope to look forward to.

You wouldn’t hope you would pass a test without studying, trusting in your knowledge of the curriculum you studied, would you?

My hope in eternity lies in Jesus. I know without a shadow of doubt that if I were to die today that I would be with Jesus in Heaven. I’m trusting in His promises to me as His child.

I can’t imagine what life would be like if I didn’t have hope. It’s so sad to hear of someone committing suicide. How did they get to the point of hopelessness?

Reach out to the troubled teenager. Call the widow who just lost her husband. Spend time with friends who don’t know Jesus and tell them your story of this love and endless hope He has for His children.

Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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Let's not allow pride to prevent us from the promises of God.

Pride is a sin. Most of you reading this, know this to be true.

It’s so easy to get caught up in pride, your accomplishments. In our culture today, it’s natural to expect recognition for a job well done.

But, what does this convey to God? He’s probably thinking, “well if they can do it all on their own, what are they going to need me for?”

God has so many promises to those who love and obey Him. He loves blessing us in our attempts in being fruitful.

Don’t let pride get in the way of His promises.

Purposely recognize that God is in everything we accomplish.

I’ve done it. I’ve relied on my own ambition and pursuit and left God out. This only left me empty, tirelessly trying to find a better way on my own.

Pursue God daily and I can testify that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Don’t allow pride to steal the joy of knowing a loving God.

Proverbs 11:2 - “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

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