Now there’s a concept. First of all, when people hear the word worship, they think of music, or people singing.
If you’re a Christian, you know that it’s more than that. Worship can be changing what you’re thinking, or what you’re worrying about, and talking to God. It can be reading the Bible, to see what the Bible says about your concerns.
Just try it. For one day, or maybe just for one morning or evening, when worry pops in your train of thought, immediately recognize it and start singing a song (in your mind), or reading an online devotion. You’ll be amazed at how this change can put you in a better mood.
God didn’t design us to be worry worts (as my mom would call it). He asks us to give our worries and concerns to Him. He can handle it, we often cannot handle the pressure of worry.
We have two choices when confronted with worry or fear. We can think and agonize over it until we’re physically sick, or we can start thinking about how fortunate we are to have a roof over our head, enough to eat, and people that love us.
Now that’s something to sing about.
Make your requests (concerns) be known to God. He can help you go from worry to worship.
Philippians 4:6-7 - “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”