Throughout history and the Bible, we’ve seen wars and rumors of upcoming wars. Yet some act as if this will never reach their part of the world.
God never promised this life on earth would go on forever. There will be an end to life as we know it.
One day there will be no more wars, no famine, droughts, sickness or dying. This is what Jesus promised when He left and what to look forward to on His return.
You can be prepared for battle. You can have hope for the future. How? Give your life to Jesus today and join His army for eternity.
He’s ready to start a personal relationship with you. Your past is never too bad for Jesus to come and help you. It’s time to come to Him and receive His free gift of salvation.
Matthew 24: 36 - “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father.”