
Have you ever had to carry a heavy backpack? If you have you know that eventually your back will begin to ache. You will learn to take out what you don’t immediately need to lighten your load.

What about our burdens we bear every day? They can seem daunting and never ending. We may tend to harbor old wounds that just keep coming back into our thoughts and daily lives. This heavy load can be spiritually and emotionally exhausting.

If you allow Him, God will bear your burdens and lighten your load. This all comes about by your faith in Him.

I’ve witnessed this first hand. There have been times when I didn’t think I could go on. My worry and anxiety would be weighing so heavily that I didn’t see any relief in sight. Then I remembered the promises of God (by reading the Bible). He will and does sustain me through times of sorrow and difficulty.

How do I do this? I unload the unnecessary sin in my life. I don’t focus on my problems, but my Provider. I don’t think about how I can fix the issue, but rely on God’s favor.

Lighten your load and give it to God today.

Matthew 11:28 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Dianne PetreyComment