Our attitude is the prophet of the future.

How’s your attitude today? There’s a saying, ‘you are what you think.’ What’s on your mind lately, and how is that reflected in your demeanor? Do people smile when they see you, or is your conduct telling them something else?

Some people who aren’t Christians, seem to think that we should just go around smiling and singing all day long and not have a bad day. This is not one of God’s promises. Although He did promise a fulfilling life with a Godly purpose, God does allow pain and suffering among His children.

We should be joyful in our hearts and thankful that even though we may be going through the worst pain in our life, we serve a good and faithful God, who is always near and who never turns us away. The key to all of this is to seek God first. Don’t go gossiping to your friends about how someone hurt you. Instead, ask God for guidance in guiding you through and giving you the strength and courage to love that person who hurt you.

Smile to that cashier who seems to be having a hard day. Encourage someone who is going through a tough time.

We're God’s soldiers on the battlefield of life. Our attitude in every day life is our sword against the enemy and our victory towards eternity.

Smile! It’s an easy response to a hurting world.

Proverbs 17:22 - “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

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