
Our lives are not defined by our failures, each and every one of us have and will fail. We must accept our failures and use them to grow.

If you’ve ever been around young children, you know that it doesn’t take much to see their eyes light up when you smile, clap or just tell them, “good job.”

Encouragement can boost someone’s mood, make their day or even excel them to do something better.

As it is with Christians. We are to be Christ-like. What does this mean? To be humble, to love everyone, to not condemn or belittle that person. We are to lift each other up in the good times and to be there to listen and love in the not so good times.

In one sense, encouragement is like oxygen in the life of a church. It keeps hearts beating, minds clear, and hands inspired to serve.

Encourage each other with love. Give the words to others that you yourself would like to hear.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 - “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,just as in fact you are doing.”

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