
To be consumed with something is to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do. You will be so completely absorbed with this thing or person or place that it will dominate your life.

People do this with all sorts of things like food, shoes, clothes, money, etc. You can even be consumed with pain, whether physical or emotional pain, like grief.

But ask yourself what it would be like to be consumed with God? I would like to think we live in a world where Christians are absorbed with God, that they wake up each day asking God what they can do for Him.

Shouldn’t we live every day as if it’s our last? Giving our best self to serve others and loving our neighbor?

Just try one morning to start your day so consumed by God that you forget to eat your breakfast or drink that first cup of coffee.

Start out with the first ten minutes of your day. Pick a verse out of the Bible, or just close your eyes and talk to God. Make it a habit to wake up with Him on your mind, and just see how much better your day will be.

God will consume more and more of our lives and our time right here on earth, if we let Him.

Galatians 6:8 - “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

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