My Defender.

Most people know the role of a defense attorney does. They represent and fight for their client in a court of law. The attorney believes that his/her client is innocent until proven guilty.

What about outside the courtroom? What happens when someone does an injustice or crime against us? If you’re a Christian and have a relationship with God, you know that God will be your defender, in any situation.

There is so much evil in the world and most of the time we’re caught off guard. In the United States, you can file any type of motion against anyone, without any proof of anything. It’s insane!

I’ve been on the other end of injustice, and at first I was scared that people would believe the lies brought against me. But, then I was reminded that I have a defender, One who knew me before I was even conceived in the womb. He’s fought and won every battle. God is my Defender.

I no longer live in fear of the injustice of this world. God is my refuge, my safe place, my retreat, the place I go when I am afraid. Who’s your defender in times of trouble? Make God your defender, your warrior, the one who will fight and win your toughest battles.

Psalm 46:1 - “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

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