It's not over until it's over.

I didn’t realize until years later of becoming a Christian, that my mom prayed for me every day, hoping I would one day seek Jesus. And now I am doing the same thing for my kids and grandkids.

God wants Christians to spread the news of salvation to all, but it’s especially hard sometimes to do that in our own family. Until I take my last breath, I hope my kids and grandkids can see how much God loves them. My hope is that through my actions and dedication to our Savior, that they will someday come to know Him too.

Until God takes me home, or Jesus comes back, I ain’t done yet. My story won’t end in defeat; it ends in victory.

Jesus sacrificed His life for you and me. This sacrifice was the only way your sins could be paid for without your own eternal death. Christ's death paid the price of your sin.

This world gives us hopeless promises, but there’s One who can give you peace here on earth. Don’t you want that today; to have a peace in whatever circumstances you’re currently in?

It’s not over; you still have breath in your body. Today is the day for you to trust Jesus.

John 14:1 - “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God;believe also in me.”

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