A good plan.

You wouldn’t go out of your house without a plan of what you’re going to do. You wouldn’t send your child off to school without a good breakfast. And, you surely wouldn’t go on vacation without planning ahead.

So think about this. What’s your plan for eternity?

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The opening act of a play or movie can sometimes be very dramatic and enticing. It’s enough to lure you in to want to see more.

Evil can sometimes seep into our lives and before we know it, we’re sucked into a destructive lifestyle.

It’s a part of this life on earth, but we don’t have to give into fear.

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“The worst evils of life are those which do not exist, except in our imaginations.” This is a quote from Charles Spurgeon.

If you’re like me, your imagination can run wild and the next thing you know, the worst is about to happen.

But, if you trade those images with good thoughts, you’ll be amazed by the calmness in your spirit.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Live in awareness, not fear.

Which came first, depression or anxiety? I’ve lived with both and can tell you that neither is fun.

Both are self-serving and hard to treat. Both conditions are very real and can destroy lives if not diagnosed and controlled, sometimes with medicine.

Instead of living in fear, get the facts from the Specialists; ask God for wisdom and give your fears to God.

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Being too certain of the wrong things.

My husband tells me that I can be very convincing at times. Some may call it stubborn.

But, we both know that my sense of direction is way off.

When we trust and truly believe in something that is very wrong (not within God’s word), it may cause us to stray from our faith.

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Dianne PetreyComment
A good day with a bad moment.

One bad egg can ruin an omelet.

Just as one bad moment can ruin your whole day.

But you don’t have to let it. I look at each day as a gift. I’m breathing, able to walk and talk. I have enough to eat and have a roof over my head.

When something disrupts the day, look for an opportunity to put a positive spin on it.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Trade my will for His Will.

I’ve said this before, God is not a ‘Genie in a bottle.’ We just can’t wish for something selfishly and it appears.

You may be thinking of a totally different plan for your life, one that fulfills your own selfish desires, but God’s plan will ultimately be the best for your life. Quit fighting your destiny.

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Dianne PetreyComment
What's my purpose?

If I ask you today, “what is your purpose in life?,” what would you say? You might say, “I have no idea” or you may tell me exactly what you think your purpose is.

God created each one of us with a purpose in mind. And, ONLY God knows the answer to ‘your purpose in life.’

If you’re unsure, or really have no clue, just ask Him.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Clean slate.

There are really no ‘do-overs’ in life. You have this one life and ultimately everyone of us will spend eternity, somewhere.

You may be thinking that you’ve done so many bad things, or you’ve strayed so far from God that there’s no hope, no point in trying to get things right.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Tool box.

I recently got a new tool box, one where I could organize my tools and quickly find any tool for the task.

As a Christian, you will find that without your spiritual toolbox, you may get caught off-guard, or find yourself searching for the right words to comfort or encourage someone.

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Dianne PetreyComment

In order to plant and reap healthy flowers, you need the right soil, the right amount of water and sun. The substances needed for healthy flowers.

As a Christian, we are to grow, and in order to grow we need God’s word, which is our daily guide. We need the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts and we need to trust in the one who created the seed.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Set it and forget it.

I was reading instructions for a wood bee trap and a thought hit me. Are we, as Christians, giving our life to Christ and then setting it aside, or forgetting it?

Is living for Christ as passive as setting a trap? I hope not.

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Dianne PetreyComment
God doesn't rescue you from something, but FOR something!

We don’t have to know where God’s leading us. We just have to trust that no matter where our journey is heading, trust Him, each and every day.

Every turn in the road, keep pressing on, knowing that His plans and His destinations are for our good.

God may not be able to prevent what happened to you, but He will lead you to something better.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Turn back, give up or walk away?

Any of these come to mind when things get tough?

All of the above choices tell God that you don’t need Him. You’re saying you’ve got this. Really?

God always gives us a better way out of difficult situations. But, it may cost you a little discomfort.

Yes, it’s hard and it may be a little scary, but God will never leave you alone. He will always be there to walk through the challenging times of life.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Motives of the heart.

Jesus promises to give us everything we need, but He’s not a slot machine.

He knows your heart. You can’t pretend you need that new car for work, but deep down inside, you want to show off to your friends.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Stick it out.

Do you crash under pressure? Are you giving up too soon? We’ve all done it at some point in our lives.

Don’t let the devil get a foothold on your life. Give Satan a run for his money. Satan hates it when we look to God in times of trouble.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Those who have met me today would probably never guess that I was a rebellious teenager.

Hindsight reveals to me that without respecting authority, I was headed to destruction.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Jump in or dive?

When I was 15 years old, I saw my first high dive. Not knowing any better, instead of jumping in like a normal person would do, I dove in.

It’s only by the grace of God I didn’t break my neck on that dive. What seemed like a harmless leap could have been a lot worse.

How about you? Are you ready for a change? Would you be willing to dive into a relationship with Jesus?

Whether you jump or dive, Jesus is ready to catch you when you fall.

Psalm 37:23-24 - “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

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Dianne PetreyComment
Book it!

As easy as it is to book a flight, you can schedule your destiny.

Unlike booking a flight, changing your current destiny doesn’t require money or your current available resources.

Give up your old life of sin and struggles and let God design your eternity.

Ephesians 1:11 - “In him we were also chosen, having been predestinedaccording to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,”

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