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I love to watch my grandkids learn new things. With fresh minds and eager hearts, they have no fear.

Most of us have been influenced by someone. I thank God for my mother’s influence on me. I like to think it made me a better person.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Staying positive in tough times.

We will all face trials in our life. There will be days that it seems that nothing is going right and we want to just give up. That’s just the world we live in.

But, hope is not all lost if you have Jesus in your life. If you had asked me these same pondering questions in my 20’s and 30’s I would probably have different answers. Like, how can you be hopeful when life’s struggles seem endless?

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Dianne PetreyComment
What defines you?

What you do with your life usually defines you.

The Bible confirms that our actions are deeply connected with our hearts.

If others know you’re a Christian by your actions, that’s a good thing.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Leadership is defined as ‘the action of leading a group of people or an organization.’

It takes skill, patience and organization to be a leader.

Leadership in God’s eyes is more than gauging which way the wind will blow.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Did you know that God is still accepting reservations for Heaven?

To get a good table at a busy restaurant, you should have a reservation.

In this busy world, if you haven’t reserved a spot for most events, you’ll most likely not be accepted in.

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Dianne PetreyComment
We see Him best in the dark.

Can you imagine a world without electricity?

Without the sun to light each day, we would be living in a very dark world.

As it is with walking with God. Yes, God is near and present every day of my life, but He is more vivid in my darkest days.

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Dianne PetreyComment
If you don't use it, you'll lose it.

The mind is a remarkable thing. It’s on the move, constantly changing, hopefully learning, and inevitably content.

If you don’t use your mind to expand your knowledge, it will eventually become soft and unusable. If you’re training your body for an event, and you all of a sudden stop training, you’ll lose the one thing that motivated you to begin with.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Gradual erosion.

We’ve seen it on the ocean shores. Land disintegrating into the water, bit by bit. It’s right before our eyes at times, but we neglect to deal with it.

As it is with life. Our physical lives are changing every day. Some of us take preventive measures to maintain our body, but eventually nature will win out.

Every human born into this world will eventually die. Their body will go back to the earth, but their spirit will live on.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Measuring stick.

It’s so much fun to watch a child grow, looking at a yard stick and see their progress. Their growth depends a lot on the care and nourishment they receive.

What about spiritual growth? How can this be measured?

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Dianne PetreyComment
A constant.

I’m thankful to have had kids at a younger age. I can’t imagine chasing a toddler around right now in my life.

Life as a parent is busy, never a dull moment and can be chaotic at times.

Just make sure even in the perpetual muddle of life, you look to Jesus for help.

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Dianne PetreyComment
The heart of the matter.

Have you ever been in a relationship thinking you know this person inside and out, and then they do something totally out of character? And, you think to yourself, “who is this?”

Jesus knows your heart if you’re a child of the King; if you’ve given your life to Him.

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Dianne PetreyComment

What are you investing in today? Stock market, job, a relationship, parenting, or your life with Christ?

Whatever we put our all into, will thrive. Invest in your kids and you’ll never regret it. Invest in your marriage and you’ll have a life long companion. Invest in a relationship with Christ and you’ll have a home in heaven, guaranteed.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Deep waters.

There’s a lake in Oregon called “Crater Lake.” It’s the deepest lake in the United States. The depth of the water is so very deceiving since it’s a large crystal clear body of water.

What seems very shallow from the surface, is actually really deep.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Battle of the mind.

A constant in every day - our thought process.

God made each of us with a mind to decide between right and wrong.

The more you fill your mind with frivolous selfish thoughts, the less likely you’ll win the war over good and evil.

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Dianne PetreyComment

Your future is an act of will, and not of any skill you possess.

What’s your motive to live another day? What passion wakes you up in the morning and pushes you to do it all over again?

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Dianne PetreyComment
Just do it.

Actions do speak louder than words. I can tell you that I’ll give you $100 tomorrow, but until I do, it’s just words.

I wasn’t saved and am not living as a Christian by my good deeds I’ve done. No one can buy their way to Heaven.

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Dianne PetreyComment
Who am I?

Sometimes it is only through pain and suffering that we become who God created us to be.

We often ask why me? Why this? Why now?

We may not get our answers here on earth, but thank God one day we will clearly see the great “I AM.”

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