2 Corinthians 5:7 - “For we live by faith, not by sight.”
Why do we often question God?
We can’t see the good of what’s to come because we’ve lost our focus on what matters.
Read More2 Corinthians 5:7 - “For we live by faith, not by sight.”
Why do we often question God?
We can’t see the good of what’s to come because we’ve lost our focus on what matters.
Read MoreLife is hard. Things happen and we just don’t understand the reason for it all.
But, more often than not, we’re too focused on the problem that we don’t see what might be the answer.
Read MorePsalm 27:5 - “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”
Have you ever got caught in a thunderstorm? Or worse, a tornado?
Read MoreMy mom was a great example of how to live right and work hard. She was the rock of our family, and even though she never worked in an office environment like I have, she always told me to be honest, work hard and God will bless you in whatever you put your heart in.
As it is in life. I try to live by God’s word, always looking to Him for answers and continually asking Him for guidance.
Read MoreDo you have someone in your life who is dependable? Someone who will always be there?
Kids are great imitators. I see it in my grandkids. They will echo the mannerism of those they’re around.
One of my top ten prayer requests is that my grandkids know that I’m dependable. I pray they know that anytime they need a steady, reliable person, they can look to me.
Read MoreHebrews 4:12 - “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Would you constantly forgive someone who kept making your life miserable by telling lies about you or worse, deliberately making your daily life as a Christian unbearable?
Read MoreI admire the athletes who, day in and day out, diligently follow a regimen of training to get their bodies ready for competition.
The key component to all of the training is endurance. Do you have what it takes to endure the pain, the injuries, the daily monotonous routines?
Read MoreI imagine that if you’re not going through some type of struggle right now, you probably know someone who is. How is that going? Is it taking a toll on your daily living?
In reading the Bible, I see countless times where God has moved throughout people’s lives, when they were at their last strand of life. When all hope was gone from their circumstances, God stepped in and everything changed.
Read MoreSustenance is described as, “the maintaining of someone or something in life or existence.”
God provides for His people daily. If you know God, you will have everything you need. This doesn’t mean that you’ll have everything you want. As I have said before, God is not a ‘genie in a bottle.’
This theme is told throughout the Bible, and I stand on these promises each and every day.
Read MoreWhat have you risked lately? Your freedom? Your family? Upright standing in the church?
If you read the Bible, you’ll see that many, like us, have been paralyzed by fear. The unknown is frightening, and the ‘what ifs’ are terrifying to think about.
Read MoreWe have two choices in facing the future. Fear or faith?
Many are waking up today, wondering when their next meal will be. Some are doubting they’ll ever get out of this situation they’ve found themselves in.
Read MoreSometimes when you’re downloading a document, or a website is loading, it takes a while. Depending on your download speed, it can take many minutes to appear on the screen.
Life is full of ups and downs. If we’re not grounded in God’s word (the Bible), or a part of God, then life can be chaotic at times.
Read MoreA contrite heart means recognizing our sinfulness and brokenness.
If we neglect this, then we will live a very lonely, broken life.
We must be teachable. If we go around thinking we know all there is to know, then what would that profit us?
Read MoreMost of us like watching our winning team accomplish their goals. The thrill of being the victor is an exciting time.
I find life more engaging in watching and being a part of serving others. We’re all working towards the same selfless goals of giving people our time, our resources and mostly our listening ears.
Read MoreSitting on the sidelines at the majority of our basketball games was not ideal, but knowing I was not physically a good athlete I accepted the position.
I accepted the situation and would later learn I was a better cheerleader than basketball player.
Are you on the sidelines of life? Do you watch other Christians serve while you’re thinking that you’d be no good at it, so why bother?
Read MoreAre you blaming others for your current situation?
It’s easy to do. But, there’s one principle of life that most people forget. It’s your life. It’s up to you how you live it.
If you’re constantly blaming others for your misery, you’re overlooking the truth.
Read MoreChange is inevitable in every aspect of life. We have two choices when change invades our spaces. We can accept it and adjust to the new situation, or we can reject change and offer another solution.
This would be a very boring place if change was not a part of our lives.’
Read MoreWhen we care for our bodies, it glorifies God, but it also demonstrates a good testimony to others. The bonus is that it will give you the energy you need each and every day.
As a Christian, to not do this is disobeying God.
Read MoreWe are all to value human life by loving others, tending to the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, seeking justice for the oppressed, and caring for the orphans, widows, and strangers. But are we doing this?
I’ve seen less of this in the past year. People killing each other, disobeying the law, living selfishly while others are dying from their mistakes.
Read MoreA perfect storm is defined as a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors.
This can be a variety of scenarios. Like the one in the movie, “Perfect Storm” where the weather conditions where the ideal setting for a disastrous outcome.
As it is with life. You’ve heard the phrase, “when it rains, it pours?”
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