Power of surrender
God demands a total surrender if we want to follow Him. He required it of the disciples in biblical times, and He requires it of each one of His children today. Let God become the ruler of your life. God knows the plans for each of our lives. But in order to totally surrender, you can't hold anything back.
I know that we live in a 'quick fix,' "I want it now" society, but you can't have both God and the world. For a Christian, there's a constant battle going on inside us. One is God, and the other is Satan. Don't let the devil corrupt your mind; captivate your thoughts.
Surrender your thoughts, your body, your soul and your time to God.
Be careful. Our motive for surrender should not be for any personal gain. To totally surrender to God, daily, we have to put God before anyone and anything else. If we do this, give all our cares and surrender totally to God, He can mold us into who He created us to be, to do what He created us to do, so we can have everything He says we can have.
Give it to God today and feel the power of surrender!
James 4:10 - "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you."