
Stressed - We're all guilty of it, especially this time of year.  Although scripture doesn't really talk about stress specifically, it does speak of things such as anxiety and worry; things we often associate with stress.

Everyone suffers from stress at some point in their lives, it's inevitable.  It's how we deal with the stress depends in large part on who we are.  Some tend to let stress take over their life and get physically ill from it.  

The solution to stress is to surrender (give up) our cares to God.  Seek His wisdom in what to do.  We shouldn't be defeated by stress if we know and trust God.

If you're stressing about money, don't forget that God is our provider.  If you're stressing about a hardship or trial you're going through, know that God's got this.  Trust that He already has a plan on getting us through, and coming out on the other side even better.  

When we start to focus our attention to God, and let God take care of the situation or circumstance, that's when He gives us the strength we need.  It's here that God shows His power, when we're at our weakest moments.

Being stressed or worried tells God that you're not trusting in Him; that you've lost control.  

Seek God's peace daily.  Fill your mind with scripture.  Rest assured that it is only by His grace, mercy, and love that the stress in our lives can be managed.

John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

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