Our hearing from God must result in doing

Our hearing of the Word of God (Bible) must result in doing.  We must do what God says, with complete faith to Him.

Are you reading your Bible daily?  Are you taking it seriously?  Do you have a reverence for Scripture and the time that you worship and study this Word from God?

God will speak to each of His children through Scripture.

In order for any relationship to work, it takes good and effective communication.  And for effective communication to occur, there must be effective listening. This also holds true with our relationship to God.  If we rarely talk to God, then how is He going to really know us? 

Tell God your desires. Trust that what He says in the Bible is the truth.

Just like any instructional manual, use the Bible (DAILY) to help guide you and to help you in making decisions throughout the day.

Romans 10:17 – "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

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