Are you faithful in silent times?

If you have been a Christian very long, you will have periods where it seems God is nowhere to be found.  You seem to be in a dry spell, spiritually.

It's hard to be still and wait on God.  Admit it.  We all hate to wait, on anything.  But, I've realized that some of the biggest moves in my life happened during these dry seasons, when it seemed like God was doing nothing in my life.

Know this.  God is ALWAYS in control, even though the evidence isn't visible.  Times of silence may be filled with fear.  Realize that these times require more faith, more trust in God.

Dry seasons don't last forever.  Some day soon God is going to make His plans known to you.  It may come through His Word, your circumstances, or another person, but they will come.

Stay faithful friends.  God's Will and His plan for your life is taking place and it will all be for God's Glory.  It won't be because of your circumstances, but because of your faith.

Psalm 62:5 - "For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him."

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